Basic Syntax of Go Language


Although Go language is not highly regarded in terms of language design by Wang Yin, its concise code structure is indeed captivating.


Go language statements do not require a ; at the end.

Variables and Constants

Use var to declare variables. When variables need to be initialized, you can use the assignment symbol := instead of = to omit the var keyword.

var a int
var b string

var c int = 10
var d = "golang"  // The compiler automatically infers the type
d := 10

Unlike C or Java, Go language’s type declaration is on the right side of the variable. Note that if declared variables in the program are not used, the program will not compile. Go is an engineering-oriented language, so some of its features might seem unreasonable but will improve efficiency in actual engineering.

Go’s variable assignment supports some cool writing styles, such as swapping the values of variables x and y using this counter-intuitive method:

x, y = y, x

In Go, const is used to define constants. true, false, and iota are predefined constants. Among them, iota is a bit special. iota resets to 0 each time the const keyword appears, and before the next const appears, the value of iota increments by 1 each time it appears.

const a = iota   // 0
const b = iota   // 0
const (
  c = iota       // 0
  d = iota       // 1

Arrays and Slices

Declare an array of 3 elements and initialize it:

array := [3]int{0, 1, 2}
array[0] = 3

Like other languages, Go cannot change the size of an array after declaration. Therefore, Go provides slices similar to Python. Slices can be created from arrays or using the make() function.

array := [3]int{0, 1, 2}
slice1 := array[:2]       // Created from an array

slice2 := make([]int, 3)  // Created directly

fmt.Println(slice1)       // [0 1]
fmt.Println(slice2)       // [0 0 0]

In addition to slices, maps are also created using the make function. The full type declaration of a map is var myMap map[string]int, meaning the variable myMap has a key of type string and a value of type int.

Control Flow

Go allows if-else statements without parentheses around the condition, although adding them is also fine.

a := 1
if a == 1 {
} else if (a == 2) {
} else {

switch statements do not require parentheses around the condition, nor do they require a break. Other matches will not execute, similar to Scala. Optimizing switch statements seems to be a common practice.

i := 0
switch i {
case 0:
case 1:

Loop conditions also do not require parentheses. Go only supports for loops and has optimized for infinite loops, no longer requiring the for(;;) syntax.

for {


Go language originates from the C language faction, so from the beginning, Go is not an OOP or FP language and does not have the concept of classes or objects. Functions are first-class citizens in the program. Like in C, the main function (under the main package) is the entry point of the entire program.

func add(a int, b int) (int, int) {
  return a + b, a - b

func main() {
  x, y := add(1, 2)
  print(x, y)

Go statements are concise and efficient, with the first parenthesis after the function name for parameters and the second for return values. Functions support multiple return values. If parameter types are the same, their type declarations can be combined, such as (a, b int).


Although Go does not have classes or objects, it does have powerful structs similar to those in C. Here, we define a Person struct with two properties name and age, and add a method getInfo to Person to output information about a Person object:

type Person struct {
  name string
  age int

func (p Person) getInfo() {
  print(, p.age)

func main() {
  smallyu := new(Person) = "smallyu"
  smallyu.age = 1

Understanding such a program with OOP thinking is not inappropriate. In addition to structs, Go also retains the concept of pointers. Java programmers might be a bit unfamiliar with pointers. Regarding the application of pointers in struct methods, a simple example can help understand:

type Person struct {
  name string

func (p Person) setName() { = "set name"

func (p *Person) setName2() { = "set name"

func main() {
  smallyu := &Person{"smallyu"}
  fmt.Println(smallyu)        // &{smallyu}

  bigyu := &Person{"bigyu"}
  fmt.Println(bigyu)          // &{set name}

Methods defined with value types have parameters as formal parameters; methods defined with reference types have parameters as actual parameters. &{} is one way to initialize objects, equivalent to new().

Anonymous Composition

The concept of anonymous composition in Go is equivalent to inheritance in OOP languages. A struct can inherit the properties and methods of another struct, roughly like this.

type Father struct {
  name string

func (f Father) getName() {

type Son struct {

func main() {
  smallyu := &Son{} = "smallyu"
  smallyu.getName()       // smallyu

Son does not define the name property or the getName() method; they are inherited from Father.


Go’s interfaces are non-intrusive. As long as a struct implements all the methods in an interface, the program will consider the struct to have implemented that interface.

type IPerson interface {

type Person struct {
  name string

func (p Person) getName() {

func main() {
  var smallyu IPerson = &Person{"smallyu"}


The keyword for using goroutines is go. The naming itself reflects the importance of goroutines to Go. Goroutines are lightweight threads, and starting a goroutine is very simple:

func f(msg string) {

func main() {
  f("direct call")
  go f("goroutine call")

Running the program, you will find it only prints “direct call”. Does this seem familiar? go starts another “thread” to print the message, while the main thread has already ended. Adding fmt.Scanln() at the end of the program to prevent the main thread from ending will show all the print content.


Channels are the means of communication between goroutines.

func main() {
  message := make(chan string)

  go func() {
    message <- "ping"

  msg := <-message

The make function returns a chan string type channel. In the anonymous function, the string “ping” is sent into the channel, and then the data in the channel is output to the variable msg, finally printing the value of msg as “ping”.

Error Handling

In Go, two functions are commonly used for error handling: the panic function and the defer function. The panic function prints an error message and terminates the entire program, similar to Java’s Throw Exception; the defer function will execute before the current context ends, similar to finally after try-catch; although the panic function terminates the entire program, it does not terminate the execution of the defer function, which can be used to print logs. Here is a simple example:

func main() {
  defer func() {
  } ()

Let’s analyze the program’s execution result. First, beginning is printed; then defer is encountered and not printed yet; middle is printed before defer; encountering panic, the program will terminate, printing defer and panic.

Note that defer is executed before the program ends, not